A wonderful saffron chicken kebab recipe. Great when paired with slices of onions, peppers, mushrooms, and whole cherry tomatoes alternating with chicken...
This is a wonderful recipe. This was given to our family years ago by a good friend through the Boy Scouts. My brother would eat it all if he was allowed...
Chicken breasts rolled up with a crabmeat and mushroom mixture, topped with a white sauce and baked. I got this recipe from a friend and my family loves...
Simple and quick grilled chicken with a delicious sauce and fresh vegetables in a pita or naan wrap! This recipe is a great base for your own wrap ideas....
Tangy baked bacony chicken breasts. Just three ingredients prove that three IS a magic number! Make Bacon Chicken magic tonight. This recipe is a favorite...
Tangy baked bacony chicken breasts. Just three ingredients prove that three IS a magic number! Make Bacon Chicken magic tonight. This recipe is a favorite...
A delicious and nutritious way to eat chicken breasts! Since this makes a lot of sauce too, it's really great served over brown rice, garlic mashed potatoes--or...
This is a recipe I came up with while trying to use up some leftovers from another recipe. You can add more or less pepper depending on your taste. My...
This pulled chicken crockpot dinner uses a slow cooker to prepare this great twist on basic barbecue chicken. Throw the chicken breasts in frozen, and...
This is a creamy, rich tasting chicken bake that is amazingly easy. The sauce is also great over mashed potatoes. For a low-fat dish, substitute reduced...
These colors don't run, but they do stain, so I recommend eating this delicious, red, white and blueberry chicken outdoors at a barbeque. Smoky, spicy...
Delicious chicken nuggets with a surprisingly good crunch. Different in design, but yummily young. Perfect for small kids and great for spending time as...
This is a nice spin on traditional baked chicken and apples - bacon makes it that much better! This recipe can be easily adapted for the fall fruits or...